MRI Scan Results.

So, I went for my MRI scan on Sunday (read about that here) and on Monday at physio, the therapist told me a little bit of information from my scan which you can read here.

Today, I had to go back to the Trauma Team at the hospital to get the rest of my MRI results. My appointment was meant to be at 9:15am so we left the house at 8:30am, thinking the traffic would be really bad at that time of the morning. It turned out to be just fine and I was in the waiting room for my appointment by 8:45am – half an hour early. I knew that meant I’d have to wait but I didn’t mind.

At 10am, baring in mind my appointment was supposed to be at 9:15am, everyone else had come in after me and left before me. New people were coming and going all of the time but I still hadn’t been seen. I asked the man at the desk to check that I was down to be seen, as there was no waiting time written on the board like there normally is. He said he was sorry about the delay and that I would be the next person in. He lied. Over the next twenty minutes, I watched every Tom, Dick and Harry go in and come back out again – but not me.

Finally, at 10:20am – an hour and five minutes after my appointment time, an hour and thirty five minutes after I arrived – my name was called and I hobbled up the long corridor on my crutches to the room. I had a different man to last week which I didn’t like as I’m very untrusting of doctors, but he turned out to be really nice.

He hurt my knee a lot – as to be expected – but he was very calming and soothing. He had the same tone of voice that a psychiatrist or counsellor uses which I found very relaxing and he was so encouraging. He kept saying things like “That’s it, you’re doing really, really well.” and "Just one more push, you can do this." It really helped.

Long story short, my MRI scan and his examination shown really positive results. My knee dislocation is healing nicely - it's now central rather than to the right side of my leg and it's joining well. It looks more like a normal kneecap now! My MRI scan shown that my ligaments are badly stretched, I've torn a tendon and I have severe muscle loss but it's all stuff that they think will recover with physiotherapy and I won't need surgery. They said I should be walking small amounts (with the use of my crutches) by Christmas!

The first part of this picture (partial ligament tear) shows the kind of damage I've done, except it's hanging on by a tiny thread, not as much as it shows in that image.
It really is the best news that I've had regarding my leg. The doctor that I saw today told me to concentrate more on my physiotherapy and bed / floor exercises more than walking, although I'm still to do ten steps a day. He said the walking will come in time but that it's more important for me to focus on the exercises first, as if I walk too much, I could do more damage and prevent recovery altogether.

After eight weeks and a day, things are finally starting to look up.

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