Editing The Extreme.

In today's society, photo editing has become a popular thing. You never really know what the 'real picture' would look like, as we are constantly spammed with edited and airbrushed photos among the media. These edits make people look prettier and thinner, with even sometimes, different coloured skin.

Here are a couple of examples:

As you can see, the after pictures look nothing like the originals, and it is infact a distorted perception of reality. It's something that we have got used to as a society, and something that has contributed greatly to low self esteem among young girls and women in particular, who are always striving to be a level of thin or a level of perfect that is impossible without editing equipment.

There is one story that I read today which is what has triggered this post for me. Now, this is going to be a little controversial. Some people think it's 'sweet' or 'cute', but I think it's sick. On the website Reddit, a man asked people for help to edit a photo of his dying daughter. The only photographs he has of her are with tubes in, and he wanted them edited out.

This was the result that another user provided the man with, and he was overwhelmed with it. As cute as baby Sophia looks after editing, that is not who she was. Sophia spent her whole life with tubes in her, so why would her father want to remember her for something that she wasn't? I understand that the tubes aren't appealing to look at, but after all, that was his daughter and he loved her the way she was. I can't personally understand why he would want to remember her for something that she wasn't. That is, a baby without tubes. You can read the whole story here.

In my opinion, the whole power of editing has just gone too far and has become extreme. I wish we could rewind back to the days when editing didn't exist, and people were accepted for exactly who they were - flaws and all.

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