Will To Live.

"I'm losing the will to live" is a phrase that we all hear and probably say more often than we should, over stupid things like work annoying us a little bit or when we have lots of cleaning to do that we really want to do, but how often do we actually mean it?

I can say from my experience that saying it in the above context feels very different to saying it and meaning every second. It's on those days where even getting out of bed to brush your teeth feels like the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest without any previous climbing experience.

The will to live is a psychological fight for survival, if you will. It is something that you don't even realise that you have as you get up and go about your day to day life. Whilst you're going through the motions every day, there is one little thing keeping you alive, keeping you going, and that is the will to live. So what happens when you lose it?

When you feel like your life has lost all purpose and has no meaning to it, when you feel like there is no point being on the Earth any more, when you're struggling to understand why you wake up every morning - that's when you know you're really losing the will to live. You have no drive to keep you going and your survival instincts no longer kick in. A car can be speeding towards you at 100mph and you wouldn't react, whereas your natural instinct would be to move out of the way due to fear.

When that survival instinct has disappeared, it's hard to get out of bed every day. Of course, you still get on with things when you feel like you can and you still go out. Whilst you're out doing things with other people, you remember why you're alive, but it's more when you're at home in bed alone at night, and you're wondering what the hell you're still doing on this planet when every day has become a struggle for you.

Every now and then, you get this little glimmer of hope that comes from deep inside you. It's usually triggered by something or someone you love, and you briefly remember why you're alive, but something always comes along to knock that out the way. It's those tiny glimmers of hope that you have to hold on to, for those tiny glimmers are the only thing keeping you alive once your will to live has gone.

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