Week In Turkey.

I have just come back from a week in Turkey, and it was honestly the best holiday of my life so far. I went away with my two friends Michelle and Sue, as well as Sue's daughter and partner. I almost didn't go due to unforeseen circumstances, but I'm really glad that I did.

Day 1: Thursday

We picked Michelle up and went to East Midlands airport where we met the others, checked in and got some food before our flight to Turkey. I sat with Laura and Sue on the plane, and we didn't land in Turkey until 1:30am.

Day 2: Friday

The first morning we were there, we went to the cafe just across the path from our villa. There were thousands of fish swimming near it.

We spent a few hours by the pool before going out for an evening meal at a restaurant with a huge tree in it that was 1000 years old. It was absolutely beautiful. We got two free bottles of wine. When I say bottles, I mean two LITRE bottles! Crazy. I had the best chicken and chips of my life there.

We went for a little walk afterwards to see the tombs which are lit up at night, and also the coloured fountains.

Day 3: Saturday

The next day, I took a big step. I went on a boat trip. Anyone who knows me knows that I am terrified of boats and water. Luckily, we were on the river so I wasn't as scared as I would have been if I was on the sea, but I was still terrified. As it turns out, I loved it.

We stopped in the river to see turtles swimming before carrying on and entering the sea. We didn't go far into the sea so it was fine, and everyone went for a swim except me and Phil. Michelle didn't come on the trip due to her fear of boats. A little later on, we went to a beach area but I spent more time swimming than on the actual beach because it was too hot.

We had some food on the boat before going to our final destination which was a beautiful lake. Once again, everyone swam but I didn't. However, one of the people on the boat swam to the side with a bucket to collect the natural mud which is supposed to be good for your skin so I put some on my feet.

Day 4: Sunday

We got up ridiculously early this day and got the first bus (at 7:30am Turkey time, meaning it was 5:30am back home!) to the beach where we spent a couple of hours. I even swam in the sea, and I'm scared of the sea!

We then walked up to the Turtle Sanctuary, where they rescue injured turtles and look after them until they're better before releasing them back into the sea.

We went back to the villa for a while and relaxed by the pool before going out for a meal in the evening at a restaurant just down the road. They served us the biggest bread I have ever seen in my life.

After the meal, Laura and I walked into town and did a bit of late night shopping.

Day 5: Monday

We went on another boat trip, but this time, Michelle braved it and came along too.

Our first stop was at the market, but we didn't go to the market! Me and Laura were too hot to walk around, so we went to a cafe that had natural springs around it. You sat with your feet in the water at the tables which was such a weird but amazing experience. All of us ended up getting in the actual fountain itself which was freezing cold.

Our next stop was to the mud baths and hot springs. I didn't go into the springs because they stunk of rotten eggs, but I braved the mud bath which I didn't expect to do! It felt so nice on your skin, but on the bottom of the pool, it was like lumps of clay that felt horrible on your feet.

I was so brave on this boat trip because I actually got out and swam in an open lake. I'm terrified of water where I can't touch the ground, but I did it. Admittedly, I used a float for comfort but I didn't really need it, it just made me feel a bit more secure. I'm still so proud of myself as I never thought I would do something like that.

Day 6: Tuesday

In the morning, we went to a little cafe where you could see lots of fish and turtles in the river before going to a pancake house. Due to being allergic to pancakes, the waiter very kindly organised a fruit salad for me and it was huge.

We sat in this huge comfy thing called a "cushty". It's a flat thing that you climb up a little ladder to sit in, and you don't wear shoes in it. Then there's loads of cushions and a flat table in the middle that you basically just sink into. It's amazing.

Later that night, we went on our third and final boat trip which was my favourite one. It was called the "moonlight cruise" and it was so much fun. I even got to drive the boat! Everyone swam in the open lake again but I didn't as I felt it was too cold. I skyped my Mom from the middle of the lake as well which was pretty cool. We went back to the mud bath place but didn't go in them this time. Michelle, Sue, Janice, Laura and myself all had fish pedicures. I had never had one before and it was such a weird experience. It felt nice until they swam between my toes, but it made my feet so soft!

When we went back on the boat, we drove out into the middle of the open lake and the boat turned all it's lights off so we were surrounded in darkness. All you could see was the stars and it was breath taking. Words can't even describe how magnificent it was. I saw hundreds of shooting stars, the milky way and finally saw the International Space Station. I nearly cried at how spectacular it all was! I don't have a picture of the sky, but here's a picture of me standing on the roof of the boat. I can't believe how comfortable I got on boats.

Day 7: Wednesday
On our last full day, everyone went shopping in town except me and Laura, as we had done our shopping on one of the evenings, so we spent the day relaxing by the pool and soaking up as much sun as we could! In the evening, we went out for a meal at a posh restaurant with a waterfall and overlooking the tombs which were lit up at night. I liked the cocktails.

Day 8: Thursday

The day of the flight home, we went for breakfast before making the most of our last few hours in the sun. Here is a picture of our whole group that went on holiday, minus Laura who was taking the photo.

From left to right: Lucy, me, Sue, Michelle, Janice, Phil, Diane and Carl.

I achieved so much more and faced so many more fears than I thought I ever could on this holiday, and thank you to everyone for reminding me just how good life can be.

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