“Like a free bird who gets restless and loses her lustre when kept in a cage.”
Love it or hate it, I am a free spirit. I always have been, and I’m sure that I
always will be. I love my freedom, and feel trapped when I don’t have that. I
don’t like having to answer to anyone, or have rules to live by unless they’re
my own. Ever since I was little, I’ve always wanted to do my own thing and my
own way, not the way that somebody else has told me to do it.
A leader, never a sheep. I crave freedom of all types, and don’t want any form
of anchor weighing me down – be that a partner, a job, an illness. Nothing will
ever hold me back other than myself. I need flexibility, especially in a work
environment, that allows me to take days off when I feel the urge to explore.
That’s why my job is so fantastic. I could never cope in a five day 9-5 job.
The routine would bore me.
I do what I want to do, and when I want to do it. I will not change my opinion
based on other people’s opinions, or conform to what society believes is right
or wrong. I have a strong mind, although an open one, and will stand up for
everything I believe in, even if that means that I’m standing alone.
Although I have fears and get anxious, I push myself to the boundaries of my
comfort zone, and sometimes even over them. Life starts at the end of your
comfort zone, and that’s where you can find the most excitement from life. I
love adventure, and I love to travel. I see change as a positive thing, and
embrace it whenever the opportunity comes my way.
Independence is one of my key features. I will do anything on my own that I’m
willing to do with other people. Be that go for a meal, a walk, to the cinema,
or even the theatre, I enjoy all of this alone as much as I do with other
people. Maybe even more so. My ultimate dream is to spend a week in New York on
my own. It’s an experience that I selfishly don’t want to share with anyone
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