No Blog Inspiration.

I feel that I'm struggling to find inspiration to write blogs at the moment, and I'm not sure why. I even struggled to finish the Gratitude Challenge even though I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I've given up with the Lifescout Series as I'm not finding it as enriching as I'd hoped it would be.

The only thing that I feel inspired to write about at the moment is my leg and my injury, as it's the only thing really going on in my life but I know that people either aren't reading it or are getting sick of hearing about it. After all, I have been moaning for nearly eleven weeks now and I don't think people realize just how hard it actually is.

I could write about my long distance relationship with my boyfriend which is killing me but again, people won't read it or I'll get accused of being pathetic or soppy, but the truth is, I really miss him and I can't wait until the next time he comes to visit. My life will be so much more full and fun when he's back.

It's November and I have a lot coming up this month, so hopefully that will give me things to write about, even though it may not be as interesting as past posts. I have:
  • my boyfriend's birthday
  • boyfriend visiting
  • him moving back to the Midlands
  • my best friend's 21st
  • my birthday meal with my friends
  • my birthday meal with my family
  • my 21st birthday
  • Disneyland Paris and France in general
After all of that, we'll be in December! My birthday meal with my family got booked today so now I just need to send off the menus and invitations, but I still need to book my meal with my friends which I'm having difficulty doing at the moment. Disneyland Paris is all sorted now. It was booked anyway but we've had to have everything changed so it's 'accessible' for me in my wheelchair or on my crutches. It's a few weeks away yet so maybe I will be able to hop around on my crutches but I don't want to get my hopes up too much. I've found out that I won't be able to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower as between the second floor and the summit, there are 18 steps which I don't be able to get up. However, I am willing to make an idiot of myself by going up them on my bum if I have to so hopefully I can do it.

That's about all that's going on in my sad, little, boring life - hence why I have no inspiration to blog as I have nothing to write about. Hopefully my life takes a turn for the better soon.

(twitter / instagram)


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