Merry Christmas - 2013.

This Christmas has to have been the weirdest but also the most wonderful Christmas I've ever had.
Christmas Eve was spent visiting my aunty, uncle and cousin before going to my great aunty's house and opening her presents. It is such a huge (and better) difference from last year, where I worked from 5pm Christmas Eve until 2am Christmas morning without getting paid any more than minimum wage for it. What a joke!

Another thing that made it very strange is the inability for me to be able to carry my own presents downstairs. Anyone who knows me well will know that my favourite part of the whole Christmas holiday is Christmas Eve where I get to carry all my presents downstairs from my parents and organise them under the tree. Unfortunately, due to my injury, I couldn't do that this year but my parents carried them down for me so that I could sort them out as usual. My parents (just them!) had bought me a whopping 66 presents! Spoiled!

So I laid them all out under the tree and then went to bed but I couldn't sleep, mainly because I'd found out that my boyfriend was poorly and I was really worried about him, but also because I was excited!

I'm not normally very excited about Christmas and haven't been since I was about 11, but after going to Disneyland Paris for my birthday and it being all Christmassy there, I have been in the festive spirit ever since so this year I was really excited.

I woke up at 6:45am and couldn't get back to sleep! I was finally allowed to start opening my presents at 8:30am and I got ridiculously spoiled. I'm not even going to start listing my presents because it feels like I'm bragging but I really did get more than anyone could ever ask of their parents!
My main present was a stereo for my car which I had picked months before. Even though I can't drive at the moment, I'm really looking forward to using it! The strangest present has to be a Space Hopper... My parents must be the only people in the world who would buy a Space Hopper for a 21 year old girl who can't even walk! Hilarious!

My parents really liked their presents too which I was glad of. Then my Grandad and step nan came to visit who spoiled me rotten too. I then spent some time organizing my presents (I have an obsession with doing this) and had some photos in front of the Christmas tree. You can see on the below picture just how many presents I got which is excluding my Nan/stepgrandad's and also my boyfriends! Check out my Christmas jumper though.

My Nan and step granddad then came round and we had our Christmas dinner. I didn't even eat half of it so I felt a bit guilty but it can't be helped! It was so different to last year as my Dad was really poorly last year and was bed bound so it was good to have things back to normal. We had dinner and then had photos taken in front of the tree before we opened our presents off Nan and step granddad, who of course, also spoiled me rotten!

My boyfriend text me saying that he was coming round which was a massive surprise as I wasn't supposed to be seeing him until Boxing Day, due to us both agreeing that Christmas is about family. I was so happy that he had decided to visit and I was even more happy (and shocked!) to discover that he had spoiled me rotten. He spent an absolute fortune on me and picked so many lovely things for me! I am so lucky to have him.

We finished off the night by playing on the Wii. It's very hard to do Bowling when you're on crutches, so that's my excuse for losing! We had a lovely day and night. I have to say, it was possibly the best Christmas I've ever had.
On Boxing Day, we went out for a meal with my Dad's side of the family which was good fun but the meal was absolutely disgusting - a three course meal of vomit soup and cold carvery. I was allergic to all of the puddings too but after telling the staff, they went and bought me egg free ice cream which was amazing so that (on top of copious amounts of alcohol) made the night.

We then came back home and started working on my Disneyland Paris jigsaw - what a wild night!

Another great thing that has happened over the Christmas period is that my walking has come on leaps and bounds! I am able to walk with my crutches now and I can walk up and down the stairs (with difficulty). I even managed to climb in and out of the bath using a crutch rather than using a chair like I had previously been doing. That was one of the best Christmas presents anyone could have ever asked for.

Thank you to everyone who bought me presents or sent me cards for Christmas and made it a truly fantastic one! I can't complain. Who would have thought that I would still be so spoiled now that I'm 21!? I really am so incredibly lucky.

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