Pro-Life Debate.

This is a debate that I always seem to get myself into due to the controversy of it and my strong opinions for it. I don't agree with abortion, but I don't think any less of anyone who has one. Each person has their own individual beliefs and reasons. It would be unfair on me to say that nobody should have one, but it's something I could never do. I have always been and always will be pro-life, so here are my reasons why.

I have spent a lot of time over the years looking into the other side of the argument and debating it with people who are very much for abortion rather than against it, but I cannot see sense in 90% of their arguments. That doesn't mean that they're wrong and neither does it mean that I'm right. It just means that we have different opinions on the matter.

One of the arguments that I cannot see any sense in is anything along the lines of "It's just a blob." It may look like a blob, but the fact of the matter is, that 'blob' is a living thing - a tiny human that is in the process of being formed. After conception, this 'blob' is just a cell - there is no doubt about that - but this is known as a zygote which is composed of purely human DNA, nothing else. Therefore, to me, it is a human life.

Abortion has become far too accessible in this day and age. It appears to have even become more of a form of 'contraception' than a rescue from an accident. Many times, I have heard people say or type online - "It's okay if I get pregnant. I can just have a / another abortion." This is not right at all. Abortion is not a form of contraception at all. It isn't prevention from pregnancy, but more removal of pregnancy. If girls don't want to get pregnant, they should take precautions. There are plenty out there which are easily accessible, and abortions should only be a last resort when everything else has failed. If people correctly used contraception, such as The Pill and condoms, I guarantee that the abortion statistics would drop. People also do not tend to think of getting the Morning After Pill as they have the naive thought process of, "It won't happen to me" - and then it does.

I think it's a hard topic to debate because of the different ways that people see the same thing. For example, when does the fetus stop becoming a cell and start becoming a human? It takes around a month for a child's heart to become detected on an ultrasound. In most cases, the girl doesn't even find out that she's pregnant for at least three weeks - just a week before the heartbeat can be detected. At six weeks, many parts of the 'child' have been formed such as eyes, eye lids, nose, mouth and tongue, and electric brain activity can be detected. Does this sound like a cell, or like a tiny human living inside someone else's body?

The latest time that you can legally have an abortion is 24 weeks. This is over half of the entire pregnancy. At the age of 20 weeks (4 weeks before the last abortion date), the child can be seen on an ultrasound making natural human movements, such as hiccuping, sucking thumb and smiling. They even have small amounts of human hair at this point. Where is the sense in having this aborted? At this point, under no definition is the baby just a cell. It is a living, breathing human being with working bodily functions. Who in their right mind would want to kill that?

It's understandable that in certain situations, such as rape, the woman would not want to give birth to this child and keep it, as it would be a constant reminder of a terrible event in her life. However, this is an extreme circumstance and is not the most common reason for abortion.

Another argument is "Why bring a baby into the world that I can't look after?" and one of my arguments for this is that there will always be somebody who will take care of your baby. Even if you don't want it or aren't ready to be a parent, there is someone out there that will. There are hundreds, maybe even thousands, of couples who desperately want children but can't conceive. If you were 100% sure that you did not want the child, the adoption papers could all be sorted before the birth of the child, meaning that he or she is taken almost immediately after birth and given to their new family. Although you would have to carry the baby around for 9 months, you would be giving this child a chance at life and also a couple's chance to become a proper family.

I don't think it's reasonable to suggest that abortion becomes entirely illegal as that is something that would never happen and as I stated at the beginning, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. However, I think the majority of people would have to agree (whether pro-choice or not) that having the abortion date open until the baby has been growing for 24 weeks is unreasonable, due to the arguments posted above.

My closing statement on this matter is that I would never abort a baby, because I would never want to punish my child for an accident I had or a mistake that I made. Despite he or she growing inside me and being created by me, I do not feel like I have the right to take his or her life away from them, just because they are a consequence of a mistake.

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