Life's Top Moments.

The inspiration for this actually came to me in a dream, believe it or not, and in this dream, I was reminded of some of the best moments of my life so I thought, why not blog about them? Rather than blogging about the bad things in life (which is what I tend to do), why not dedicate a post to the good things in life? So this is exactly what this is.

These are in no particular order;
  • Winning awards for performing, both within education and out of.
  • The day I moved out for the first time and moved 300 miles away.
  • Getting my first part in a YOG show, without even auditioning.
  • Performing at Sadlers Wells Theatre in London - twice.
  • Meeting my favourite band, McFly, 17 times.
  • The few times that Danny Jones (McFly) has remembered me.
  • Tobogganing at the Snowdome when I was very drunk on champagne.
  • When you feel grown up or like an adult for the first time.
  • Being given the opportunity to do a solo in a YOG show.
  • The feeling I get every time I see McFly live - all top moments.
  • Completing the Race For Life after running 6.5 miles without any training.
  • Getting my dream job and literally living the dream.
  • Little moments where you realize how much you have achieved in life.
  • Two weeks of Stage Experience at Birmingham Alexandra Theatre.
  • Reaching the top of the Eiffel Tower, despite being on crutches.
  • The feeling I get every time I raise money for charity.
  • Getting over that one person that I thought I would never move on from.
  • Opening my exam results and realizing that I did well.
  • Every YOG show that I ever participated in, especially Peter Pan and Extravaganza.
  • Reading my book from my 18th birthday party and feeling appreciated.
  • The first (and currently only) time I ever went on the London Eye.
  • Going to Disneyland Paris for my 21st birthday.
  • Getting into musical theatre societies that I've always loved - YOG and CMTS.
  • Passing my driving test on my parents wedding anniversary.
  • The first time someone ever bought me flowers.
  • Burning all of my school work on my last day in sixth form.
  • The day that I had my graduation and made my family proud.
  • Playing Mimi in Rent at college - one of my biggest dreams.
  • Going to London for the weekend for my 20th birthday with my best friend.
  • Conquering my fear of hospitals when I was taken in on holiday in Lanzarote.
  • Training week in Wales for my new job in Newquay.
  • Seeing McFly at their 10th anniversary concert at Royal Albert Hall.
  • Seeing (and going up) the Eiffel Tower at night when it was sparkling.
  • Falling in love with a man who makes me happier than I could ever imagine.

One of my proudest moments seen above: crossing the Race For Life finish line after running 10k (6.35 miles) with no training, having never ran even half a mile in my life before!
I'm sure that this long list will get added to more and more as the years go on, but lists like this make me realize that life isn't so bad after all.


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