26 Long Weeks.

I used to blog about my injury every week, with updates on my progress etc. until I got accused of attention seeking. It upset me, so I stopped as it felt like people didn't care about what I was going through, so I learned to deal with things by myself.

My accident occurred on Wednesday 21st August 2013 at approximately 7pm.
Despite only being 19th, today marks 26 weeks - exactly 6 months - since that day.If anyone wants to read any of the blog posts that I posted before I stopped, you can read them here.

My total list of injuries that I've had over these six months is:
- severely dislocated kneecap, three inches to the opposite side of regular dislocations
- nerve damage down the whole left side of my left leg
- torn several tendons and damaged my achillies tendon (luckily didn't snap)
- stretched a lot of ligaments around my knee and upper area
- getting a lot of knots in the back of my left hip which is causing further problems
- misaligned pelvis which is too far forward on the left side
- severe muscle loss in my whole leg from my bum to my toes
- dead quadriceps muscle that they don't know if it will work again

Even though I've made a lot of progress, this has been the worst and hardest six months of my life, and it's still an on going battle against my body.

I was told that I may never walk again, but against all odds, I can now walk. I don't use any crutches in the house but I still have to use one when I go out. I'm hoping that doesn't last very long. They also told me that I probably would never dance again. They're still not sure if I ever will.

By the time it got to November, they told me that I should be off my crutches by Christmas. It's now the middle of February and I still have to use one when I go out of the house.

This post is just going to be some pictures of my injury and the progress that I've made over the last six months.

 The day that I came out of hospital and went straight to work on crutches, 23rd August.
From the start, I had to shower with cling film, due to my leg being sensitive to heat.

The first picture of me after I moved back in with my parents, September.

I still made it to see McFly at RAH, despite being in a wheelchair, 20th September.

My leg here is straight. As you can see, my knee is severely dislocated, October.
My first knee brace, complete with metal to push my dislocation back into place, October.

My second knee brace which is similar but without the metal, November.
On crutches for my 21st birthday, 27th November. (Pic taken 25th)
I still went to Disneyland Paris for my birthday despite everything, 28th November.
I successfully climbed to the top of the Eiffel Tower on my bum, 30th November.
I started having to have my legs taped up to hold bits in place, December.
I took my first real steps with crutches without falling over on Christmas Eve.

I make it to just using one crutch and manage to go abroad on holiday, January.

I have seen two physiotherapists in this time, one of which I have every week who is very dedicated to helping me - so much so that she gives up her free time to work on me more. I have also seen five specialists and am seeing another one tomorrow. Plus regular doctors, and I now have a personal trainer who specializes in knee injuries. I have baffled all of them as none of them have ever seen injuries like this, especially my backwards dislocation, and so many injuries happen to one person at the same time. I have had students and other medical people brought into my sessions to see me because I'm such a 'bizarre case' that nobody has ever seen before.

Here's hoping that the next few weeks see me losing my other crutch and making more progress. I am on the road to recovery and I'm not giving up hope.

(twitter / instagram)


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