First Valentines Day.

Anyone who knows me, will know that Valentines Day has always been a bad day for me ever since I was young, not just because I'm always single for it, but because one of my ex boyfriend's got married on that day. Crazy, isn't it?

For me, Valentines Day has always consisted of either being in bed by myself or with my best friend, watching chick flicks, eating chocolates and drinking wine. I have never once been in a relationship for it, and I never thought I would be.

This year, things were different. I was in a relationship, but with a man who has never celebrated Valentines Day before either. The difference being that his was through choice, and despite being in long term relationships, he has just never wanted to celebrate it. This year was different for both of us.

I bought a new dress a few weeks before, with the intention of wearing it on Valentines Day. However, it was too tight so I was prepared to just wear something else, but I tried to slim into it and I did! I was very happy with the way I looked in it, something that I never am about my appearance.

This picture was taken before we left the house on Friday.

First of all, we went out for a four course meal at my favourite restaurant. Unfortunately, it was a set menu for Valentines Day and the main meal that I like wasn't on there, so I tried something else and I didn't like it, which meant I didn't really get to eat but we still had a nice time.

Afterwards, we spontaneously decided to go bowling now that I am only using one crutch, as last time we went bowling, I was in a wheelchair. We had a few drinks (including slush puppies!) and two games of bowling before we decided to head to our hotel.

It was absolutely lovely. We checked in etc. and then Rich went to get my things out of the car. By this time, it was around 11pm and I was starting to worry that he hadn't got me anything for Valentines Day. Not that I am about material goods, but I hoped that I would at least get a card! I needn't have worried, as he came back up to the room with our stuff and handed me a bottle of wine! I was so shocked and happy, then he pulled out a dozen red roses from behind his back, and I jumped into his arms, kissing him. I was so happy as despite being bought flowers a lot of times in my life, I had never received red roses before and I certainly didn't expect them off him! He shortly produced a box of chocolates and a lovely card as well. I was so shocked and happy with what he bought me.

Afterwards, I gave him his presents which he really seemed to love. Due to him not being soppy, I had just got him a box in with bits. Some of them were his favourite things, plus a DVD and also some Valentines things. He seemed to really like the idea and the things that were inside it, so that was a relief.

It was a fantastic weekend that I really don't have any complaints about, despite the meal being terrible! It honestly did not dampen the spirits of the weekend at all and I couldn't be happier.

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