My Dating Profile.

After watching Carrie Fletcher's video called Carrie's Dating Profile, she tagged all of her watchers in it. However, I don't feel comfortable vlogging so I decided to answer the questions in my blog as sort of a survey thing.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
No, I don't. You don't just fall in love with someone because of the way that they look. Of course, that may be what first attracts you to the person but you can't fall in love with someone purely on their appearance. The way they look shouldn't even matter. You can have lust at first sight, but not love. It takes getting to know a person to fall in love.

What do you do for fun?
The things I enjoy doing the most are going to shows or concerts, and I also enjoy going out drinking. If I'm at home, I enjoy watching DVDs or reading books and browsing the internet. I also love driving, but I haven't drove since my accident in August.

Do you want / do you have any children?
I don't have any children as of yet, but I would like a couple when I'm older.

What are you looking for in a relationship?
Having just got out of a relationship, I'm not looking for one right now. However, I think the important things in a relationship are the following... Having someone who you can be 100% yourself with - flaws and all. Not being embarrassed to talk to them about anything, no matter how awkward or embarrassing that thing is. Communication is so important, along with trust and honesty. I also want someone who will be there for me through thick and thin, who will wipe my tears as well as making me laugh, and someone who likes going out just as much as I do. It would be cool if they liked musicals and McFly too, but that's not a necessity!

What is the one thing about yourself that you would like me to know?
I have some really abnormal habits that I never realized were abnormal until people pointed them out to me. I guess they're what makes me who I am!

If you won the lottery, how would you spend your millions?
Of course, I would give some to charity. That's a given. I would treat my grandparents to a holiday, pay off my parents mortgage and pay for them to have a holiday too. Then I would buy myself a house or a flat and a new car. I would also pay for my best friends and I to go on a wild holiday abroad, and invest any money that I had left for the future.

Which was the first crush you ever had?
I have no idea who my first 'crush' was but my first 'boyfriend' (I say 'boyfriend', we were in Reception!!) was my best friend Luke. I dumped him because he pulled my pigtails.

You have got six months to live, what will you do first?
Try to gather the money to go to America. Hopefully, I get that money and I would fly over to New York in September to spend September 11th at Ground Zero, visiting all the sites of 9/11 including the memorial and the museum.

Are you a morning person or a night person?
I don't seem to be either at the moment, but normally a night person.

If you have friends coming over, what would you cook?
I don't think I've ever cooked for my friends apart from my best friend! I mean, I guess I could bang a pizza in the oven but otherwise, we would just order a takeaway.

If you could travel back through time, what single mistake would you correct in life?
I wouldn't. I don't class any of the bad things I've done as mistakes, because everything I've done has taught me a lesson and brought me to where I am today.

Where do you see yourself in five years time?
In five years time, I will be 26 going on 27. I hope to be married, with my own house, the car I've always wanted and either be pregnant with my first child or have a baby aged up to around one years old. I hope to be working in a job that I enjoy, whatever that may be.

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