Nature Centre / Manchester.

As most of you know, I don't really get to venture out very often - not any further than my local pub anyway - but the week that I am about to blog about was a particularly active week for me with two amazing days out with my friends.

The first one was when I went to the Nature Centre in Birmingham with some of my friends from my old job. Although it was a bit chilly, it was an absolutely lovely day and I had a great time. There were loads of animals there from snakes to lynxs, and it made a nice change to get out of the house. Unfortunately, we missed all the feeding times of the animals but it was a lovely place to wander round and wasn't too strenuous, despite being back on crutches.

Then on Saturday 12th April, I went to Manchester for the day with my two best girl friends - Katie and Savannah. It should have been mine and my ex's anniversary, so we decided to have a girly day out and get away from the city in which a lot of our memories were held. We left Coventry at 8:15am (which meant a very early start for me) and got into Manchester by lunch time, after a long journey of the girls dancing in front of me to the music that they had playing in their earphones and the woman behind me banging on about her life story.

We got the bus to the Trafford Centre where we had a big fat KFC and then did some shopping. I will post the things I bought in a separate blog post. We then decided to go for a meal at Nandos and have a few drinks, where I met up with my friend Vikie (whom I'd never met before) and her boyfriend, Harry.

Savannah, Katie and I then got the bus back to Manchester centre and headed to Yates for a couple of drinks before getting our coach back to Birmingham, which was a VERY eventful and hilarious journey, with us winding up the coach driver and him getting a security guard to come on the coach and pretend to take us off as a joke! Hilarious.

It was a great week full of fun, and I hope to make some more memories like this soon!

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