The Firsts Survey.

Being unable to sleep, I was browsing random YouTube videos when I came across a video by a guy called Joey Graceffa which was a survey thing of his "firsts" - watch it here. Although surveys are relatively old school back in the MySpace bulletin days, they seem to be kind of coming back into fashion on various YouTube channels, so I thought I would try something a little different and blog one. Here goes!

My first tweet:
"I really don't get Twitter yet, but it's all gravy!" - tweeted on 05/04/09.

My first YouTube video:

The first person I subscribed to on YouTube:
AmazingPhil, the ironic thing being that I no longer like him!

My first Facebook profile picture:
I have absolutely no idea.

Do I still talk to my first love?
Unfortunately not. I was only 15 when we met and the last contact I had with him was when I was 18, so three years ago.

My first alcoholic drink:
I'm sure my parents let me taste it before this but the first time I remember drinking alcohol was with a couple of my friends at a bus stop when I was 12 or 13. It was cider - ugh!

My first job:
I worked as a Kitchen Porter in a local pub at the age of 15. I only did two nights a week and only worked there for six months before being made redundant but I actually enjoyed it.

My first car:
Silver Rover 25 which I still have!

The first text I received today:
It's quite a long one off my friend Savannah.

Who was the first person I thought of today?
My crush.

My first teacher:
I literally have no idea who my first teacher was but the first one I remember is Mrs Chatland who was convinced that I was going to be famous. I went back to do work experience with her when I was in year nine or ten and she still believed it!

My first plane ride:
My Mom flew to Tenerife when she was pregnant with me, but my first flight after birth must have been to either Ireland, Lanzarote or Spain. Ireland is the first abroad holiday that I remember, but I think I went on a ferry so I'm going to say Spain.

Do I still talk to my first best friend?
From the age of two, I had two best friends - Luke and Katie. I am still best friends with both of them now.

My first sleepover:
It was at my best friend Katie's house and even though she didn't live far from my house, I stayed up all night crying because I wanted to go home.

What was the first thing I did this morning?
Checked my phone, as always.

My first concert:
Was to see S Club 7 in June 2001 (aged 8) at Birmingham NEC Arena.

My first broken bone:
I've broke / fractured / dislocated / chipped so many but my first one was a pretty bad one. It was my left elbow, and I broke it in three places so badly that it bent the complete opposite way. I did it at my cousin's sports day, by jumping off one of those tiny sports hall benches and falling onto grass.

My first piercing:
My only piercings are my ear lobes and I didn't get them done until I was 15.

What was the first foreign country I visited?

What was the first movie I remember seeing?
This is going to sound bad but every weekend when I stayed at my Nan's, we used to watch The Full Monty. I'm sure I used to watch more innocent films but that's the first one I remember seeing.

My first detention:
It was either for wearing jeans to school which we weren't allowed to, or for being late.

My first roommate:
I've never lived in the same room as anyone but I've lived in the same house, so I guess they're housemates. Other than my parents, the only housemates I've ever had were when I lived down in Newquay whilst working on a holiday park. Our manager had a flat upstairs and the other three of our Ents Team (including me) shared the house below. We were later joined by two bar girls who I actually got on better with.

My first sport:
I've never really been into sport but I started dancing at the age of two so I guess you could count that.

What's the first thing I do when I get home?
Normally either let the dog out if he's been home alone or put my phone on charge because it always dies when I'm out!

My first kiss:
 I was a bit of a late bloomer with kissing and didn't have my first one until I was 12! It was with my boyfriend at the time sitting on a kissing gate at a field just down the road from my house.



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