Being Led On.

Being led on is one of the hardest things that anyone can go through. It's something that pretty much everyone has been through, and if you have, you know just how much it sucks.

The other person is constantly blowing "hot and cold" as Katy Perry would say. One minute, they're all over you and the next, they ignore you. One day, they love you, and the next, they hate you. You get the idea. It's all about mind games and everything is on their terms. They may even convince you that you're in control of the 'relationship' or whatever you can call it, but really, it's all just a game and they basically have a remote that controls you, whether you realize it or not.

They probably don't text you first, or they take hours to reply to your messages. Sometimes, they don't reply at all. Why? Because they're in control. They enjoy stringing you along, watching you sweat, making you suffer. You keep thinking it's time to give up on them, but as soon as you do, they come back with their sweet side and remind you why you fell for them in the first place. It drags you right back in.

Sometimes, they might even have a partner, and you're just the bit on the side. Even though you try to convince yourself (and they may try to convince you too) that you're so much more than just a dirty mistress, deep down, you know that you mean nothing to them. After all, if you did, wouldn't you be their main girl instead of their side one? It never works out if they're already in a relationship, no matter how many times they promise to leave their partner for you... They never do, because they want to have their cake and eat it.

Their sweet words, affection and empty promises cause you to have further expectations. In a way, you end up leading yourself on, because you are expecting it to go further.

I don't really know where I'm going with this post, but honestly? Right now, I feel like total shit and I just needed to get this off my chest, because I feel like my stomach is being ripped out and someone is stamping on my heart.

How do you get over someone that was never even yours to begin with?

If you're reading this, you know who you are. Just remember that I loved you from the start, even if I never admitted it. Just remember that I would have done anything for you, but after months of waiting around with no change, I really can't do this any more. I'm sorry that I wasn't good enough for you.

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