The Hardest Month.

Earlier this month, I posted a blog entitled
Loss Of Life, about the loss of my aunty who had cancer. She sadly passed away on 29th July, and we held her funeral on 8th August.On 13th August, just five days after the funeral, we got a phone call that made my blood run cold. One of her brothers had attempted suicide. The paramedics did everything they could, but he was severely brain damaged and the machines he was on were the only thing keeping him alive. The machines were turned off on the morning of 14th August.

I was due to go on holiday to Turkey that day and didn't want to go, but my parents talked me into it by making me realise that there was nothing I could do here. It was too late. So I went and had honestly the best week of my life. It was nice to get away from all the trauma for a while, and even though I couldn't forget about it, it felt more distant and easier to deal with.

We held his funeral on 29th August - exactly a month from the date that my aunty had sadly passed away. We didn't have a church service as we didn't want to go through one again, but we had a long service at the crematorium.

It was similar to Aunty Mo's in so many ways, and it was honestly the hardest funeral I have ever been to. I have never cried so much in my whole life. How do you come to terms with the fact that someone you loved so much felt so depressed that he felt that the only way to cope was to take his own life? It's devastating.

Maureen's death had me pushing to make my life better, but I feel like Martin's has pulled me back a little - mainly because I think I'm still in shock.

All I can say is that my Uncle Martin is up in Heaven now where he wanted to be, with his parents and his sister Mo, and I hope they are all partying hard with the angels.

(Left to Right: Maureen, me, Dad, and Martin - 2009)

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