Your True Colours.

"I see your true colours shining through, I see your true colours and that's why I love you."

I love this song, but I'm pretty sure that whoever wrote it had no idea about people. You can think that you really know someone, until their true colours come out, and you realize that you in fact don't love them or want them in your life at all.

True colours are rarely a good thing. People tend to pretend to be better or nicer people than they actually are, but when they do let their true colours show, you find out that they're actually selfish, deceitful people.

Your true friends will show you their true colours from day one, and you will love them for that, but the friends or lovers that pretend to be something they're not? They're the ones I'm talking about. They put on an act, pretend to be somebody else, a better person than they really are, but one day, their true colours show, and it's not pretty.

That's the time that you realise that they weren't who you thought they were. You realise how selfish they are, and how little they actually care about you. You realise that your whole friendship or relationship up until this point has been a lie. And it hurts.

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