The Birthday Survey.

I haven't blogged for a little while, and it's my birthday next week, so when I stumbled upon this survey, I thought it would be perfect to update my blog! Here goes:

1. When is your birthday?
27th November

2. How old will you be on your next birthday?

3. How did you celebrate your last birthday?
Family meal, friend meal and a weekend in Disneyland Paris

4. How do you want to celebrate your next birthday?
Family meal and then the comedy club with my friends

5. Do you have any special birthday traditions?
Not really!

6. Do you like your birthday or do you hate it?
I love it!

7. What has been your favorite birthday so far?
My 20th

8. Is there an age you’re really excited to be?
Not any more

9. What age are you really not looking forward to?
All of them now! Getting too old

10. Imagine your dream birthday: how would it go?A family meal followed by a huge party with all my friends and family, and a McFly concert
11. What’s the best birthday present you’ve ever gotten?
A weekend in Disneyland Paris

12. What about the worst?
None because it's the thought that counts

13. Have you ever had a surprise party thrown for you?

14. What present do you want for your next birthday?
I'm getting dancing water speakers and tickets to Diversity

15. Would you rather have cake, cupcakes or ice cream for your birthday?
Cake, even though I'm allergic to it, they're really pretty

16. Who’s birthday did you celebrate last (friends or family)?
My step Grandad's

17. Do you wish you had a different birthday?
A summer birthday would be quite nice
18. Have you ever bought yourself a birthday present?
Yes, an iPad

19. Would you rather celebrate your birthday with a few close friends or have a huge party?
Huge party!

20. Do you share a birthday with a celebrity?
Bruce Lee, Jimi Hendrix, Professor Green, Oritse (JLS)

(twitter / instagram)


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