I'm A Rep.

So on the 12th of February, I decided to become an Avon Rep. Why? I'll tell you.

  • I always buy Avon stuff online, because I don't have a Rep in my area, but it means I have to pay delivery charges... Boo!
  • I'm not getting enough shifts at my current job, meaning I don't have enough money. I want to earn more, but don't want to leave my current job.
  • It's flexible, meaning it can fit in with my current job. I thought about getting another part time job, but trying to fit that in with my current job would be too difficult.
  • I've always liked the idea of running my own little business, and with this, I can.
  • It gives me something to focus on in my spare time, rather than moping around the house.
Going to my first proper meeting, I discovered something very obvious - I am so young. Most Avon reps are much older than me, and it disheartened me a little bit, but I thought just maybe age will be on my side.

My first campaign, I sold £265 worth of products. I get 25% commission on everything I sell, but some of that obviously gets reinvested in brochures and other materials. Still, it's money that I wouldn't have otherwise, and I really enjoy it.

Delivery day is tomorrow, and it's going to be my first one. I'm excited that three boxes of deliveries are going to turn up at my door, even though they're not for me. I've always said that my favourite part of Christmas is organizing my parcels... That's what this is going to be like for me, and I'm super excited.

I'm only one campaign in, but I'm really enjoying it so far, and I'm hoping to expand my customer network over the next few campaigns.

Wish me luck!

(twitter / instagram)


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