A Small Rant.

At the moment, I feel like I can't express my feelings and say how I feel without some snooty comment being made, an indirect being put on Twitter or people saying;
"Other people have it worse than you."

I have never once said that my current situation is any worse or any harder than anyone else's situation. It doesn't take a genius to work out that there are people in worse situations than me, but that doesn't stop me from feeling bad.

Telling someone to cheer up when they're down because there are people in the world who have it worse than them is like telling someone who's happy to calm down because there are people in the world who have it better than them.

No matter how good or bad your life or situation gets, there is always going to be someone else some where else in the world who has it either better than you (if you're looking at good) or worse than you (if you're looking at bad).

I have been unable to use my left leg for over seven weeks now and I have never once said that my situation is worse than anyone else's, so why are people treating me that way? I am not denying that there are people who are a lot worse off than me. There are people who have been in wheelchairs without use of their limbs since birth and who will never get some of the amazing opportunities that I have had, which I am incredibly grateful for, as I say in this post.

I understand that people have it much worse than me and never get to do some of the incredible things that I have been able to, but that isn't going to make me feel any better than my current situation. As I said in this post, I lost everything on that day, just by one injury.

For me, performing is my life. It always has been and it always will be. I was dancing before I could walk properly and I was singing better than I talked. I was born to be a performer and I have worked bloody hard for twenty years to get to where I was before my accident. I had just seven months as a professional performer before I was unable to do it. Currently, I'm just off sick but it's going to be a very long recovery and I may never recover well enough to dance again.

So I'm sorry if your situation is worse than mine because I can't even imagine how horrible it must be to know you're never going to walk or dance or run but please be a bit more understanding of my situation. My life long dream which I have slaved away at for twenty years to get where I am today has been smashed and taken away from me.

I don't know what else I can say, but if you think I'm being unreasonable because I'm down about my situation then seriously, get out of my life because I feel depressed enough without people making me feel guilty (leading to further depression) for how I'm feeling.

(I don't think anyone understands how hard I had to try not to swear in this blog post.)

(twitter / instagram)


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