Knee Injury Update.

As you may or may not know, I injured my knee on 21st August. If you want to know the details of that, check out my original blog post about it here.

I've seen a lot of people about my knee since my injury (13 doctors / specialists) and been to many different places (two hospitals, a minor injury clinic and the doctors surgery a few times) but in seven weeks, nothing has really been done for me. Finally, something has started happening today.

Today, I had to go and see the 'Trauma Team' in the Fracture Clinic at my local hospital. My appointment was supposed to be at 10am but I expected to wait a long time. However, at just 10:05am, they called my name and I was taken into the consultant room.

The lovely doctor put me through 40 minutes of severe agony, but we've got an outcome. He said that my knee is severely dislocated (which I already knew) but I also discovered that I've badly torn ligaments and that I have a lot of muscle loss around my knee area.

My knee is now in a brace and I may have to have surgery if there is little or no progress over the next few weeks. The doctor said that I'm very brave and determined.

I'm still on crutches, even though I have to use a wheelchair most of the time due to my weak elbows but the doctor said I need to try and walk just ten steps a day now that I've got a brace, as it will stop my leg crumbling from underneath my weight like it previously was.

So now I've got my MRI scan on Sunday which will tell them more that they need to know, then I'm starting physiotherapy on Monday and have a follow up appointment with this specialist a week today.

It's going to be a long recovery but at least the journey has begun. 7 weeks, 1 day and counting.

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