2013 Ambitions - Progress.

So the end of 2013 is drawing near and I thought it would be the appropriate time to review the things that I wanted to achieve this year and compare it to what I actually did achieve. My resolutions or things I wanted to achieve this year were as follows:
  • stop smoking
  • lose weight
  • move out
  • become independent
  • learn to cook
  • do something spontaneous
  • have more nights out
  • have more sex
  • be more positive
  • recover from EDNOS
  • see McFly at least once
  • be myself

I am incredibly proud to say that it isn't even the end of 2013 yet and I feel like I achieved all of them things this year. Here's how:

I stopped smoking on 27th December 2013. I only have one month to go until I've been quit for a year which is something I never thought I'd achieve. I'd cut down on smoking before and just become a 'social smoker' but the fact of the matter is, I haven't even had one drag the whole year. I'm pretty proud of myself for that.

Losing weight is a tough one, as I wanted to lose weight whilst still recovering from EDNOS. That's a tough one, right? I achieved it. I got down to my lowest weight this year without starving myself or even worrying about eating. I ate what I wanted, whenever I wanted, and still lost weight due to working 60 hours a week as a performer. Unfortunately, I've gained it all again now due to being inactive for so long but I hope to get it back off when I can use my legs again.

This year, not only did I move out but I moved away - 354 miles away to be precise. For someone who had never been away from her parents for more than a week, this was a huge step for me, especially seeing as I am more reliant on my parents than most 20 year olds are. I had to become independent by doing my own food shopping, looking after myself and learning to cook - all things that I wanted to achieve this year which I think I did successfully.

Anyone who knows me will know that I am a very organised person who likes to plan things in advance, so one of my missions this year was to do something spontaneous. I have to say, I did a few spontaneous things this year that seem a little too personal to write on here, but I achieved it nevertheless.

Clubbing is always something I've enjoyed but not done as much as I wanted, so this year I wanted to have more nights out which is something I definitely did in Newquay. We went out nearly every Friday and sometimes in the week too. We would be out until 5am, come home, order a Dominos, go to sleep at 6am and then be at work by 9am. It was crazy.

Have more sex is one that I really can't go into detail about, but I have definitely achieved that this year. I've also had sex in a relationship which wasn't an aim for this year (as I planned to stay single for the whole year) but something that I aimed to do in my lifetime - I just achieved it earlier than I expected to.

I think I became more positive whilst I was living in Newquay because I had everything I wanted. Independence. Freedom. Money. Dream job. Boyfriend. Unfortunately, I lost this all when I did my leg injury in August but I feel like I achieved it for the majority of the year and even now, I think I have remained quite positive and strong most of the time since my injury, even though some days it gets too hard.

Recovering from EDNOS was a hard one but I'm now classed as recovered even though I still have some symptoms of it. I still have the mentality but I don't do the actions any more as I have developed a better relationship with food. I now LOVE it instead of hate it. I am really proud of myself for this one.

If you know me, you'll know that having the ambition to see McFly at least once is nothing for me, as I normally see them a lot more than that every year. However, I knew it was going to be difficult if not impossible due to living in the middle of no where and working 60 hours a week but I managed to do it. First of all, I went to see them running at the NIA in Birmingham in February where I met Dougie and Danny remembered me. I then went on to see them at their 10th anniversary show at the Royal Albert Hall in London which I wouldn't have missed for the world.

And last but certainly not least, this year I think I have been myself more than I ever have. I have realized that being yourself is one of the most important things you can do in life. If people can't accept you for who you are, then they don't deserve to have you in their life. It's something I've always struggled with but this year, I believe that I have been 100% myself and I think it has definitely worked in my favour.

I know I'm posting this way before the end of the year but I had to write it while I was in the right mood (positive!) to do so. Now, I have to come up with things that I want to achieve for 2014.




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