More Bad News.

So I've not been posting blogs individually any more about my physiotherapy / injury development but this calls for one, I think.

As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I got some bad news at physiotherapy last week. I discovered that I've torn another tendon in my knee and that my kneecap was slipping and tilting into my leg due to it. This meant that the little progress I'd made (being able to walk 10-20 steps a day on crutches) had to stop.

This week, I went to physio hoping that they were going to tell me I could start doing my daily steps again. I was wrong! On top of all the other damage, they have now discovered that I have nerve damage all down the left side of my leg which is bad. On top of that, where my tendons have gone and my kneecap has sunk, it is now trying to slip back into it's original place of dislocation, when that part had recovered. This means that I'm still not allowed to put any weight on it which means I'm not going to be able to walk for a long time.

My injuries are now as follows:
  • dislocated kneecap three inches to the opposite side of normal dislocations had HEALED but is now trying to go back to this
  • two torn tendons in my knee
  • stretched ligaments in my knee with two of them severe
  • muscle loss in my calf due to not using it - starting to get some of this movement back though which is fantastic
  • nerve damage all down my left side of my leg
  • a dead quadriceps muscle - they didn't know if it was going to grow back but I now have a flicker of movement which is rubbish but a good sign really

It looks like I am in this for the long haul. It has been 13 weeks tomorrow since I did my injury and I have made very little improvement. I felt like I was doing quite well but then the last two weeks, I've gone back to almost square one. I also have to wear a tube bandage underneath my knee brace now for some additional support.

I just can't wait for all this to be over.

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