Just Mixed Emotions.

Oh I don't know what to blog any more, I really don't, so I'm just going to write about what I'm feeling or what I'm thinking about right now and hope for the best. I really have been slacking on the blog department, haven't I?

I had a good few days when my boyfriend came down on Sunday. He left yesterday. On the first night, we went out for a meal at Nandos and then went to the pub and had a few drinks before going back to my house and watching Toy Story 2.

On Monday, we went shopping in Coventry town centre and then he took me to the hospital (more about that later) before going to his parents house where we got chippy for dinner and had a chilled night with his brother, girlfriend and friend before going to bed and watching Dodgeball. Tuesday, we went shopping in Solihull and went round the park before going to a friend's house, then going to the pub with him and then going to the dentist before he dropped me home and headed back to Newquay. It was so hard to say goodbye.

He let me pick a bag for my birthday, so I picked a black leather satchel. That's to go along with getting my nails done and some other bits that I don't know about yet. I'm quite excited! The bag was £30 and I know some people spend a lot more than that on bags but I think the most expensive bag I've ever owned was £10, so it's a lot more expensive than what I'm used to. What a treat!

As for the hospital on Monday, well that was a bit of a bummer. I have been making such good progress, even though it's been slow. My leg is now able to bend to a 'normal person' but because I'm more flexible, I still have a way to go with it and I have been walking 10-20 steps every day on crutches. It's been a struggle and it's painful but I have to do it. Then, when I went to the hospital on Monday, I got some bad news. I've torn another tendon in my knee which has caused my kneecap to sink into my leg. This means I can't bend it or attempt to walk on it for at least a week until I see my physio again, when she'll then decide whether I can or not. It's horrible. As if twelve weeks like this hasn't been bad enough, I now have a massive set back. I actually felt my tendon go in the week but I wasn't sure what I'd done. I sat down on the loo and I got this excruciating shooting pain through my leg but I didn't know what it was. I was in agony for the next 24 hours but then the pain eased off. The torn tendon is exactly where that pain was, so that must have been when I done it.

What else is there to say? The McBusted tour, of course! I've got two dates booked. I was going to Birmingham on 3rd May with my best friend and her parents, but then I found out today about the other Birmingham date that has been added on 2nd May so I've booked tickets for me and my Mom - she doesn't know yet! Two tour dates is so little for me but it's just hard to know how much I can book until I recover. I'd like to go to some more but maybe I can do nearer the time. I'm not really sure what I think about the whole McBusted situation as it was fantastic and special for RAH but it seems a bit strange to do a whole tour like that, but I'm sure it will be fantastic! As for Charlie Simpson, the fact he made Matt and James pay a 'six sum figure' to use the name Busted is just ridiculous. I'm so glad that he's not taking part in the tour. I honestly don't think I'd go if he was. I never liked him.

There's not much else to say except I've got an exciting few weeks coming up, so hopefully I'll have more to blog about then.

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