Problematic Facebook Phenomenon.

A few years ago, I used to be addicted to Facebook along with many other people my age. I didn't realize how much of a 'thing' Facebook / social media addiction had become until I decided to write this blog post and came across a few articles, but the one that struck me most was this one which states that there is a program in London to help people fight their social media addictions. Who'd have thought?

In this article, it also tells you "six ways to tell if you're hooked on social media". These are;

1) Looking at Facebook or Twitter more than 10 times a day or for more than half an hour. (unless it's your job)
2) Checking social media on a smartphone when you’re driving.
3) “Cyber-stalking” friends to see you haven’t been left out.
4) Feeling down if no one comments, “likes” or retweets what you post.
5) Getting upset, angry or bewildered if Twitter or Facebook isn’t working.
6) Ending a foreign trip with a sizeable bill for data roaming. When you’re away, why not take a holiday from social media?
The ones that are in bold are the ones that I think apply to me.

First of all, I will explain why the ones that aren't bold don't apply to me. I never check my phone when I'm driving. I will put my hands up and admit that I used to do it when I first passed my test back in 2012 but then I realized how dangerous it was and made it an aim to stop in 2013 which I did. The thought that other people are doing what I once stupidly did now makes me feel sick - to think that someone could end up taking someone else's life, just because they couldn't wait to send a text or check up on their social networking.

The other one that doesn't apply to me is ending up with a bill for data roaming, as I never take my phone with me when I go abroad.

As for the others, I am guilty of them all and this is coming from someone who has seemingly 'cut down' on their use of social media. Looking at Facebook/Twitter more than 10 times a day has to be my worst. Whenever I'm bored, which is a lot of the time at the moment due to not being able to work, I will just sit and scroll through social media endlessly. I am guilty of the others too but this is my top one.

Back in May 2012, I made the decision to delete Facebook after I was hacked and publicly humiliated in front of friends, family and old teachers. It was the most embarrassing time of my life and I didn't even think twice about deleting Facebook. I had a few month break from Twitter too but soon went back to it. However, life without Facebook (just with Twitter) was so much better. I felt happier, less worried and I seemed to have much more time to do things.

This year, in September, I made the decision to go back to Facebook after injuring my leg and having to move back to my hometown where I was stuck in bed all day every day with nothing to do and nobody to talk to. I started out with it just for the games, but then I added people and got myself trapped in the bubble that is Facebook. I was limiting it to my laptop and not downloading the app on my phone, but then I got an iPhone in November and thought it would be stupid not to download it when the iPhone is basically for social media.

Lately, I'm remembering why my life was better without Facebook. I seem to sit here all day scrolling endlessly (not that I have anything better to do anyway) waiting for something to happen, but nothing ever does. I read into little things that people do or say, and get jealous of people who are doing things that I want to do but can't. What kind of a life is that?

I thought about deleting it again but I'm not sure that I can bring myself to do it. I enjoy sharing my photos and seeing other people's too. That is the one benefit of Facebook and it's something that I will benefit from even more when my boyfriend moves away in a few weeks and I can see what fun he's been having without me! (Sneaky)

If someone told me I had to go without Facebook, I could cope. It's irritating me at the moment (hence the inspiration for this blog post) due to some of the things I'm reading on there. I thought it was bad enough seeing families writing to each other about 'bring me a drink' or couples arguing publicly - there's just no need for it - but then today, I saw something even worse... Something that actually made me feel sick. One person on my friend list has several posts within their Facebook about their sex life, with guys commenting on it saying how good / bad she was in bed. At first I thought it was a joke or a hack, but it's gone on for too long for that to be the case. It repulsed me. I am very open about sex and I wouldn't say I'm close minded at all but that is really just pushing the boat out too far.

I don't really know how to wrap this post off. Was it a rant? Was it an expression of an opinion? I don't know. All I know is that I wanted to get all of this off my chest and this blog seems to be the only place that I can write stupid stuff.

Over and out.

(twitter / instagram)


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