Summary Of 2013.

Every year, I find myself writing some kind of blog somewhere about the summary of the year and I always notice a drastic change within my life, but I think this year has been the strangest year of my life.

The year started off as normal but soon took a turn for the worst when my uncle sadly passed away. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend his funeral... The reason being that it was out of the city, experiencing another life changing event.
February saw me going off to Wales for eight days to train for my new job. I had never been away from my parents for more than six days before so it was scary, plus I was both living with and working with strangers. It was a big step for me but I went and it was one of the best weeks of my life, even though it was the hardest. 86 hours of long, intensive dance rehearsals plus singing and customer service training on top of that, all in the space of eight days. It was a roller coaster of emotions but mostly high, even though it was exhausting.
That was to prepare me for March when I was moving away from home, 354 miles away, to do the job of my dreams. I moved into a huge house with three other girls (which later became five!) and becoming independent for the first time in my life. I, the girl who didn't know how to do washing or clean or cook, was throwing myself into independent life with no  clue what the world would face me with, and it turned out to be the best experience of my life. Along came the season where I was performing on stage and being paid for it. To this day, I can't believe that I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to work the job that I had dreamed of doing ever since I was a little girl.
March also saw another big change for me which I will call 'the start of moving on'. I won't go into too much detail, but I found that living away from my parents meant that freedom went to my head and I made a mistake or two that I should probably regret, but I don't. Everything happens for a reason and it was certainly a learning curve.
Along came April and along came a new relationship. It was totally unexpected and happened so naturally, especially as I didn't want to be in a relationship again for a few years. The months have gone on and we have been to hell and back together, but we have stayed by each other's side through it all and that's the most important thing.
An incident happened in May that actually now seems hilarious. I got taken to hospital because I pulled all the muscles in my chest. The pain was so severe (bare in mind I have a high pain threshold) that I vomited and collapsed. I was signed off work for a day. The cause of it all? I sneezed! How embarrassing.

I made a big move in June which is something that other people might find minuscule, but for me, it was huge. I have always prided myself on my long hair and spur of the moment, I decided to have six inches taken off it. The reason I did it was simply because I was in a bad mood (pathetic, I know) but as soon as I had it done, I wished I'd done it years ago.

The summer months flew by in the blink of an eye, working up to 60 hours a week with just one day off and partying hard regardless. I found out what real nightlife was all about and had some of the best nights out of my life. Performing on stage became an even bigger buzz due to a larger audience and the responses we were getting were incredible. 
Everything took a turn for the worst again at the end of August when my leg crumbled beneath me on stage and I had to continue performing. I was in excruciating pain but I continued to work for another five hours that night and twelve the next day, barely able to walk, before I decided to go to hospital. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with me so I was given crutches, told not to walk and referred to a specialist at a bigger hospital two weeks later.
September came and so did my hospital appointment with my specialist. It wasn't good news. I had severe leg damage but I won't go into the extent of my injuries as that has been mentioned many a time in my previous posts. I was signed off work and told that I may never dance again. I moved back home to my parents that day and became a long distance relationship with my boyfriend.
I celebrated my 21st birthday in November and went to Disneyland Paris - something I have wanted to do for years. I also got to see the Eiffel Tower at night and I made it to the top, despite being on crutches.
The last few months since then haven't been much to write about, just attempted recovery. It has been a long journey but I am starting to make good progress at long last. 
I have changed so much since the beginning of 2013 that it seems crazy for me to even think about. I achieved a life long goal, moved 354 miles away from everyone I know and love, and got in a relationship unexpectedly when I aimed to stay single. I've been quit smoking for over a year now and I'm drinking more than ever, but that's what life is all about.Aside from my injury, 2013 has changed me for the better and I hope that I continue to progress in this manner. I'll finish this off with a transformation picture - from early this year to near the end of this year.

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  1. Love your dress in the end picture! I hope 2014 sees you have a full recovery :) xx
