Relevance Of 2013.

I wrote a blog yesterday which was a Summary Of 2013 (read it here) but when I was lying in bed wide awake in the ridiculous hours of this morning, I found myself thinking about just how much I have achieved this year. I touched on it in my 2013 Ambitions - Progress which you can read here, but I feel like I need to make a list of the things that I've achieved this year and/or the things that I'm proud of accomplishing.
  • stopped smoking (as of 27/12/2012) - made a year smoke free
  • recovered from EDNOS but still managed to stay thin (until accident)
  • overcame my fear of hospitals and doctors
  • moved out and moved far away from my family/friends
  • learned to cook, even though I'm still not brilliant at it
  • gained independence (lost it now due to my accident but I'm still proud)
  • had more nights out than I could ever have imagined having
  • had my dream job, being paid for performing
  • fell in love despite never wanting to fall in love again and kept it going
  • moved on from, let go of and got over a bad situation that I thought I'd never get rid of
  • went to Disneyland Paris again - something I've wanted to do for years
  • saw the Eiffel Tower twinkle at night (lifelong goal)
  • got to the top of the Eiffel Tower on my bum, due to being on crutches

    I'm sure there is so much more to say but I really feel like 2013 has seen some drastic changes for me. Even though I've had some set backs due to my injury, I'm really proud of the progress I made in 2013 and I feel like it has been the year of me maturing and growing up.

    (twitter / instagram)


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