Karma Clothing Bargains.

I stumbled across this website that I had never used before and found some bargains on it with just £2.95 delivery. After receiving those items, they were great quality so I ordered some more. Here are the things I bought. It's definitely worth checking out as you get great items for low prices, especially during their current sale.

Light Grey Batwing Top
Was: £14.99
Now: £6.99

Black Chunky Oversized Jumper
Price: £8.99
[Only item I bought not on sale]

Black Contrast Panel Shorts
Was: £4.00
Now: £2.00

Black Aztec Mitten Gloves
Was: £10.00
Now: £1.00

Polka Dot Collared Playsuit
Was: £14.99
Now: £3.00

Leopard Print Velvet Onesie
Was: £20.00
Now: £5.00

Chiffon Contrast Tailback Dress
Was: £20.00
Now: £8.00

As this was done in two separate orders, I paid postage twice which was £5.90.
They also offer free postage if you spend £35 or more in one transaction.

Including the postage, the total of the items should have been: £98.87
Including the postage, the total I paid for these items was: £39.98

That's a saving of £58.89 - 59.5%!

The items are cheap enough when they're not on sale but when they are, you get some serious bargains and the items are so high quality. I am so impressed with this website and I recommend it to anyone who wants fashion on a budget!

Click here to visit their website.

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