Sam Pepper - Rapist.

Sam Pepper, ex Big Brother and huge YouTube star, recently uploaded a video to his channel during which he was seen groping the backsides of women, some of which commented on how they didn't like it. Viewers kicked up a storm about his promotion of sexual abuse, and the video was taken down by YouTube.

He followed this up by two other videos - one pretty similar, but of a woman doing it to men, and then a final one saying it was all a "social experiment". They were all taken down by YouTube and his Facebook page deleted, after the fuss that it caused.

Nobody should get away with promoting sexual abuse, as I stated in an earlier blog post - "Asking For It" which you can read here.

It wasn't long after that a YouTube video was uploaded by an anonymous girl, entitled "Sam Pepper - The REAL Reveal" in which she describes a detailed account of the sexual abuse that she suffered. She was a victim of Sam Pepper, and although she won't show her whole face in the video, it is more than apparent that she is deeply traumatized by the event. The video is below, but please be warned, it is quite emotionally triggering.

There is also this one, that is less triggering, but has the same message.

There has been lots more confessions from girls who are no longer scared to speak out about the abuse - be that physical or online - that they suffered from Sam Pepper. Here are just a few examples that I found on Twitter, but there are hundreds more.

Sam Pepper hasn't spoke out or apologized about it, but yesterday on a new YouTube channel, he uploaded this video of him pretending to cry, which proves that he isn't really sorry for his actions at all.

There are still girls on Twitter defending him because they "love" him, or guys saying that the girls were begging for it. We are in a culture where rape and sexual assault is made out to be okay, or the girls' fault, and this has got to stop.

I don't know how people can condone what he has done. Sexual assault is never okay, whether you're a celebrity or not.

(twitter / instagram)


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